Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Just Know..

Just Know..
              Start my day with a, "Lord i thank you," and carry on through it with the say phrase the end of my day always seem to be a little different. I make sure that i have a one on one talk with God because i know that he'll hear me out and won't judge me on my faults. Yes i've dun wrong a lot to be exact but when it all boils down so to speak i learn from it and try to do better even if it kills me. Life is all about that, God knows that your not perfecct but he do want to see if after making that mistake did you learn from it. And i try to make sure that everything that i do is pleasing in the eye sight of the Lord. Sometimes i just sit in my purple butterfly chair and log on to my blog page and type away,it seems like it makes me feel so much better when im dun. Coming to college i thought it was going to be easy to maintain the life style that you once was living and still do the things you see fit. But to be real i feel like its more than i can handle, i plan ahead and do homework the day it was assigned so it can be out of the way but it still feels hard. I feel like just calling home and telling my mother to come and help me but i know she can't. I guess the reall world has got to me and im trying my best to not let it ingulf me. It seems like once you finish one paper two more needs to dun and turned in in the same week. Trying to balance having a job and school,then the stress of having to find another one because this seasonal job is almost over,and i hate not having my own money. Its just to much on my plate and i hate to complain so i just write it all down on my blog and vent until i feel better. Im really glad that my teacher had us writing this once a week becaused i know if no one else i need to. I learned at an early age that life is what you make it and im determine to make it the best that i can; because if it turns out shitty then i know that i can only be mad at myself. Im sad that my uncle mike wasnt here to stear me in the right direction when i mess up like when i was younger but at the same time im glad that he wasnt because i wouldnt be the amazing and self dependent person that i am today. I felt like i was loosing him once he got married but he had told me that i'll always be the apple of his eye and no matte rwho comes in the picture ima still be his little girl. We only 7 years apart so that's why we're so close, we act more like brothers and sisters than uncle and neice..well i feel like i dun vented enough so i guess that i'll just move to the next homework assignment until i have to write again next week on the most weidest topic ever...   
Love Always,

Laquecia <3

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