Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sick in College

Sick in College
                   OMG !! This sucks,i hate being sick and have to push through it because missing class in college is sooo NOT whats up. And this being my first year i really cnt afford to do so..if im not sneezing then im blowing my nose or im sleeping or something is hurting that never hurted before. I really dnt know why but i been to myself for the last past week and a half. I really feel like everything is tryna get the best of me and i dnt know how to control myself. I broke up with my dude one week then i was sad the next. But when one dooe close another one opens. Everything that i applied for i got approved for it and that's nothing my God favoring me. He said in his word if you ONLY faint not and trust and believe that his word is true and he will show up and show out. But on top of that i make it my thing to give him all the praises and tell him thank you all day long. He also, God, made it his #1 thing to make sure that my uncle Mike came home safe and sound, I know i talk about the both of them alot but they have influence my life in suh a way that you can't help but to talk about them. I hate it for the people who come to read my blogs and don't like the name of the most high spoken well you just need to dimiss yourself because from this point on im gonna let the world know how good he's been to me. It seems like i ask God for help or support one day and the next it seems like it comes to past just that quick. And to me that's what you call leaning not to your own understanding but unto God's....That's a powerful thing to do the bible says if only you have the faith of a mustardseed, and its sad that people can't even put that much faith in the one that ask the death angles to pass over you in the middle of the night. And i know im farrrrrr from being perfect but in the eye sight of God i am, and that's why i can stand here and tell you the goodness of his ways now. I love him and i give him the glory even when things are going bad and the main thing that people just get mix up is praising him before something goes wrong thank him and call on his name when things are going good. And as soon as you let go and let God that's when things start happening and your gonna sit back and break out in tears because its amazing how fast he did that thing for you. I can be happy as can be and soon as i think about how good God has been to me honey i tell you i get happier and buss out crying because of the joy that he has instilled in my heart. Yall just dnt know how good he's been to me its crazy after all the wrong i do he's still there for me through it all....he's so good,amazing, he's real. I can go on and on about all that's he's done for me and i thank him for what he's about to i just want to thank him and he said you grow from your testimony and so i'll tell the world about how good he is...and i make sure that i keep myself encourage because if you dnt do it then no one else will..and if you can go to the club and to your friends house and have fun all week long then why can't you go to church and give the Lord some of your time,im telling you the Lord will bless you and ways that you thought you'll nNEVER be blessed in...well i have other homework to do so ima just dwell on the goodness of the Lord and ima be back on later this week with a different topic..

Love Always,
Laquecia Mann <3

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