Tuesday, August 23, 2011


          The UNKNOWN hit me soon as i entered MSC, it hit me in a way that i never thought that it would. It made me stop for a second and say, "Man i really miss my family." It ONLY took a week for me to break down and realize how much i really depend on my family in many different ways. Mainly emotional, but when im going thru i just need them there to tell me that everything is gonna be ok. By the way im a freshman as you can tell, im 18 years of age and i love to write. its my way of letting everything out and getting my feelings on paper or sum type of visual thing so i can look back and say, " I over came that all on my own, just me an a keyboard." I currently drive a PT Cruiser because i sold my Mustang right before i started college...FYI: i miss my car.lol...but i tend to talk until i run out of words so im going to apologize now because i know that ima go on anf off subject. But when you think about it it is MY BLOG and i can bounce around if i please.lol..thats why the name of the particular entry is THE UNKNOWN cuz i dnt even know what im gonna write about.lol. Seems like i have to be all alone in my big purple butterfly chair for all my thoughts to come together and actually make sense. I love to shop but i HATE spending money...crazy huh?, Every girl has a addiction and mines is POLO and Coach that about the only thing that i will spend crazy money on...you have to treat yourself every once in a while. I have a very low tolerance level for BS i can't hang around people that i know will be cool now and gonna piss me off in like the next 10min. My math skills teacher Mrs.Jolley is so cool she remind me of my granny back home. The way she says things and make them seem like that's exactly what you suppose to do. Not math wise but the basic of life,she said something in class that really hit home with me. "Surround yourself with positve people and life will be so much better for everyone," and it really made me look at the people who i hang around on a daily basis. Life is to short to walk around being mad all the time and angry,and that's the problem that i have.I tend to let things,normally small things get to me and it brings my entire day down. If i know that my bad mood finna come on then i try to read my bible or even just something as simple as telling the Lord THANK YOU. I know some people don't believe in the most high but if you don't then this page is not for you to read because you never know i might just write a entire blog about the goodness of God and im really tryna be a better person daily and i don't wana upset you so as of know if that person is you; YOU DON'T GOTTA GO HOME BUT YOU NEED TO GET OFF MY PAGE.LOL...but back to what i was saying...ummmm ! But if you want to know more about me as a person then keep viewing my blog page and you will see that im the most nicest,sweetest,confident,meanest,rudeest,straight forward girl that you'll ever meet if that makes any sense at all.lol...well i guess that's all i have to say for now u=but just know that i'll be back with another long entry for yall to read...
 Love Always,
Laquecia :)

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