Friday, October 21, 2011


           I'm tired of being everthing i can but seems like I'm not good enough for the world. I'm tired of working my butt off and not getting noticed for it in any way. I'm tired of being someone else when I'm just learning how to be myself...yall I'm just plain ol' TIRED !! I go to school all week long then i go home on the weekends and clean, cook, and do all the things that my mother can't do since she's had surgery. Only so much a person can take until they just can't take any more, my body is week and my mind is tired and i just need a break. I really don't think its too much to ask when you just wnat to chill and have a day to yourself. I like to think of myself as a indendent person and it just didn;t come about it happen after my uncle Mike left and join the Army. He told me once he lfet that I now have to learn how to hold my own and  depend on no one but myself from this day on. I felt like my best friend left and i was all alone in this crazy world. He called as much as he could and gave me encouraging words that'll hold me until the next time we talk. He step in and became the father that i never had and did a great job at it. Being only 7 years apart and growing up in the same house made it alot easier for me to grasp on to his every word and know that he wouldn't steer me down the wrong road. I feel like i don't tell him enough that i love him and really am thankful for all that he has done for me and all that he's gonna do. I know that's really when i look to God for alot of things at that point of my life and i was mainly looking for guidance. When God said that he'll never leave nor forsake me i belive that thing and really look to him for what he said. I needed him more than ever and i still do to this day, that's when it came to me that you have to give to recieve and that little saying means so much. Most people look at it as money or something valuable but it means something diffeerent to me. If i look for God to send me blessings and everything above then i must give him some of me if not all. The things of the world that i love the most i made sure that that was the forst thing tht i gave up and gave to him. And letting that go will not be as hard if you focus on his word before and after giving it up it makes the transition that much smoother. Know that i really know better and know that God is truly real and don't like to be secod in no ones life that's when all good start to come my way. I really don't want to get off and stop writing but i'm TIRED and sleepy because i'm cleaning and i have tons of homework to be doing so i'ma be back on sooner than later..MAKE GOD 1ST NOT 2ND IN EVERYTHING YOU DO....

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