Tuesday, December 2, 2014

              LIFE...its crazy! Life takes you places that either your well prepared for or your just F**K. I totally take life day by day and try to enjoy all of the ups and downs that comes with living with people that are...LIFE..HA! You learn to accept people for who they are and just roll with the punches because no matter how bad you want someone to fit the ideal person you yearn for them to be, guess what...LIFE, LIFE COMES IN AND TEACHES YOU THAT EVERYTHING ISN'T GOING TO GO YOUR WAY 99.9% OF THE TIME. I've recently learned that WORDS are more than words they have little hidden jewels behind them. The jewels that you find can push you along in life and help make you a better you or they can hinder you from becoming the person your destine to be. People don't realize that the tongue is a powerful thing but the WORDS that flow off of it can build you up or break you down. Most importantly it hurts the worse or feels the best depending on the person it comes from and that's a huge factor to it all. LOVING someone takes a lot of simple parts to come and work together for the better of you both so you can grow as individuals but also a team. God, trust, loyalty, humility, respect, friendship, honor, honesty, and understanding are just a few of the simple yet valuable things that I feel that is needed to ensure that any relationship works; not only works but last a lifetime beyond anything anyone could ever imagine. When you truly love someone and I mean love them so hard that only you, God, and your BFF could understand its truly unconditional to the point where you overlook all of their flaws and you see into the future with you both in it connected at the hip holding hands and loving each other more than ever AFTER all the bullsh*t you know its real. Not everyone gets the chance to feel love, touch love, understand love, breathe love, and most of all BE ONE WITH LOVE! Once you experience that with that special someone cherish that and hold on to that because its something that doesn't come often and not everyone knows how to accept it or give it. When I love I love hard, and by loving hard comes passion and with passion comes assertiveness. I mean nothing but wonderful things from it but after being in a position where putting your all on the line its worth it anymore you really only know one way to act and that's like a B***H, but its...LIFE! LIFE takes you places you never expected to go which in return turns you slowly into a person you thought you'll never be. Not everyone understands your actions but not everyone ask or better yet try to find out. Its simple ask and it shall be given, but no one ever ask so people stay in the dark questioning...LIFE!!! That's why people need to first understand that LIFE waits on no one neither does it accommodates, therefore soon as we grasp the concept that we are merely...LIFE..HA! See I'm allowing you to fill in the blank of your definition of life because guess what...ITS YOUR LIFE so why should I tell you how to live it. Trial and Error/ Live and Learn...LIFE!
                                                                                                            <3 JUICY